
UseGalaxy.eu Use Case: cellular specification, differentiation and morphogenesis of the mucociliary epithelium


Sarah Bowden from the Innere Medizin IV (Nephrologie und Allgemeinmedizin) and ZBSA - Center for Biological Systems Analysis in Freiburg (Germany) has shared with us the main area of research of her project. Thank you Sarah!

Our research focuses on cellular specification, differentiation and morphogenesis of the mucociliary epithelium by using Xenopus laevis as a model organism. To achieve this, our lab utilizes multiple omics approaches to elucidate the relationship between cell signaling, epigenetics and gene expression during development. The Galaxy platform allows us to perform mapping and test multiple analytical tools to develop the most suitable pipeline for the analysis and integration of these libraries. The ability to work through the online tool allows us to perform computationally intensive functions on large volumes of data without requiring complex bioinformatic clusters of our own, which speeds up our research and is greatly appreciated. ​