
Meet & Join the Galaxy Community


The Galaxy community is broad and diverse. Contributors to the main code, admins, tool developers, trainers, students… we are spread all over the world!

This global open-source effort has its core values in the accessibility of analysis tools for everyone, reproducibility of the scientific pipelines, transparency, and shareability of the results with others. These values can only be accomplished thanks to an awesome community.

A sneak peek of the community has recorded different ways of becoming part of the Galaxy community, with suggestions for newcomers:

  • If you are a scientist, there are plenty of communities that you can join: genomics, proteomics, single-cell, plants, ecology, climate science, imaging, chemoinformatics, metabolomics, …
  • If you are (or want to become) a developer, there are also events for you! Developers roundtables, Paper Cuts day
  • If you are (or want to become) an admin you can join the Galaxy Admin Training, help with the training materials
  • If you are a trainer, there are many opportunities with material ready to go in the Galaxy Training Network (GTN), and you can also contribute your own tutorials for others to learn and teach.
  • If you want to learn, the GTN is your place! Plenty of training materials that you can follow at your own pace. For questions, the community can help you in the Galaxy Help forum too!
  • If you are just curious and would like to meet the community, join our Gitter channels, attend the Galaxy Community Conference, webinars, and/or follow us on Twitter!

More of this in the video! Get in touch or join our Gitter channels (.eu and .org) if you have questions or need more information!