A Primer for RNA-Seq Processing, Interpretation and Visualization

From 2017-10-04 to 2017-10-06 - Add to your Calendar

A Primer for RNA-Seq Processing, Interpreting and Visualization, October 2017, registration is closed!

The de.NBI/de.STAIR consortium at University of Leipzig, Freiburg, and Rostock offer an introductory course to the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data using the Galaxy platform.

This workshop intends to introduce the Galaxy RNA-workbench for analysis of RNA-Seq data. Therefore, we will present Linux/Unix and Docker backgrounds, introduce methods for exploration of NGS data and fundamental statistics. In practical tutorials, workflow development, functional predictions of RNAs (e.g. miRNA target prediction) and visualization strategies will be trained.


  • Unix Shell how-to
  • Introduction to Galaxy RNA-workbench
  • RNA-Seq data analysis and workflow development
  • Fundamental statistics and file formats
  • Functional RNA analysis
  • Visualization concepts

This workshop is intended for MSc/PhD students and postdocs with background in life science research. After the registration please hand over within 14 days:

  • A motivation letter for attending the training and
  • A poster which presents a freely chosen topic to a broad range of researchers

Please note: Due to limited capabilities, your attendance is pending until final acceptance of your poster. Afterwards you will be charged to pay the registration fee.

See workshop announcement here.




Schänzlestr. 1,
Freiburg im Breisgau,